Glossary-terms in the know

29 03 2009

Today in class we learned how to make a web page look style-y with CSS, for those who aren’t down with the lingo that is Cascading Style Sheet.
So here are some terms to know which Lian asked us to add to our blogs.

CSS – Cascading Style Sheet – so they are basically what makes your web-page look the way it does. They cascade (hence the name) from top to bottom of your web-page. They are a cleaner and simpler way of styling your web-page other than putting all the coding onto one page which can clutter it up. You make a link between your pages and your style sheet so they are always connected.
They also make it easier to make general changes to your pages as you can make the change on your style sheet and voila! Your whole website benefits from your creative efforts. The sheet is made up of properties and values. For example, color (property), blue (value).

Website Accessibility– This is all about making your site easy to use whether you have a mouse or screen reader. It makes it so anyone can use your site no matter what they may be using to view it. CSS really helps with this.

WYSIWYG (Wiziwig) – This is an acronym for What You See is What You Get. It describes a way of editing, in this case a web page where the changes you make are displayed as you go. This way you can see how what you are changing is effecting your web page.

F.T.P (File Transfer Protocol)– It is a way of transferring and exchanging files over the internet. It is the most common way of exchanging files via the Internet.

U.R.L (Uniform Resource Locator) – This specifies where a particular web page is located and how to get there. We see it as the website address (

Firewall – A security measure on your computer that protects it from unauthorised outside access. It locks out anyone who is not approved and protects your files from being hacked and viruses coming in.

And now for your enjoyment, some html tags.

<ol> – This is and ordered list tag. It creates a list with numbered points

<ul>– This is an un-ordered list tag. This creates and un-ordered list that just has bullet points along the side.

<li> – This is a list item tag. This is what you put around each item you are adding to your list. Think of it as the bread around your list item sandwich.

I think that’s enough vocab for today. Study up!



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